Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Yankee Depression

Another year of disappointment, misery watching the Red Sox move on. Go Indians! It's a good thing my life isn't based on how well the Yankees do in October, or maybe it is. Yankees can't win, i can't find a job. It's a good thing my minute by minute mood swings have nothing to do with the play by play of a miserable offensive performance and untimely hitting. I'm glad my whole existence doesn't coincide with sports in general. OH no the Steelers lost a game i think I'm catching the Flu. I might stay in bed all year until spring training.


z007mom said...

yeah...I'm thinking you should get some chocolate and take it home to share with your wife...yeah...that should help with your...uh...Yankee Depression!

z007mom said...

You should be depressed with how the stupid Yankee owners are treating a great FORMER Yankee coach!! Maybe the Indians are the new Yankees??????

z007mom said...

It takes a lot of courage to post such lovely pictures of oneself